The day the crayons quit 2nd writing


Some days are pink because of how we all get shy once in a while.

Some days are black because you sometimes face dark times and hide in the dark so nobody sees you.

Some days are white because normality goes on and nothing happens, it can just be a blank boring day.

Some days are yellow because of everyone’s smiles that lift you up.
Some days are red because we sometimes get frustrated and can’t hold it in anymore, and you explode letting all the anger out.

Somedays are green because we all have something we are disgusted in and can’t handle looking at.

Some days are the color purple because of how we all get depressed sometimes but then we lighten up.

Days for everyone is a mixture of colors because of every emotion we feel and every memory we make.




The day the crayons quit writing

School is red because things can go wrong at any time.

School is yellow because of the bright nature and personalities of students that stand out and make them unique.

School is black because of the lines that represent we are all equal no matter what ethnicity or colour we are.

School is pink because of the bright pink on every kid’s face from being burnt from the sun.

School is the color blue because we sometimes doze off and have our head in the clouds.

School is green because of the endless nature and life that surrounds us.

School is orange because of the orange bikes the little kids usually ride on the bike track.

School is every color because of how diverse it is.


That was summer writing

That was summer  By: euodia

Have You ever heard summer
sure you have
Remember that time you get startled by a scream coming from a little girl in the park, the mixed emotions Mingling in creating a loud noise that was summer.
Have you ever seen summer
Sure you have
Remember that time you saw smiles on the kids faces and wonder if they were sunburnt if it hurt remember diving into the water at the beach and feeling the breeze
That was summer
Have you felt summer
Sure you have remember that timeYou Were playing in the sun without a hat and was unaware of being burnt remember when you were sitting under the trees taking a break from running and trying to gasp for air
That was summer.
Have you ever smelt summer
Sure you have
Remember the time you had a family barbeque and you were playing with cousins and smelt that delightful sent remember when you walked past the kitchen and felt the need to look at the food
That was summer.
Have you ever tasted summer
Sure you have
Remember when you could almost taste the scent of the
food in the air remember the
time you could taste or eat anything
That was summer.

What does respect look like?

                                                                   What does respect look like?
Showing respect means to respect the tesacher infront of you including your classmates and property while also respectiung yourself .Because if you respect others the way you want to be repected or treated thatn thats how they will treat you i
Showing respect is also caring and being thoughtful of the people around you and focusing on your work instead of going on sites that your not supposed to be on.
Being honest and making sure that your being a role model for kids younger than you by showing all the school values and knowing what your not and and are alowed to do.
Be a leader not a follower because nobodys going to get in trouble for what you did and you should use your initiative to help classmates who aren’t showing to be a leader .
If you get into drama walk away  and make sure to  keep your hands to yourself or  go  somwhere to calm down while makeing  sure not to use  unnecessary words because kids younger  can hear you from their classroom and it connects to being a role model.
Showing urgency  and  willingness to learn  because your teachers don’t want you to come in class looking like your not happy to see them because teachers wanna walk into class feeling a positive vibe.
When you come back from break  switch back into  being sensible.
pick up rubbish even if its not yours
make sure  your work  is high quality and is done to your limit.

Being collabritive and participating  while trying your best in everything you do.
Do everything with a good motive and a smile.

Manaiakalani festival

Yesterday on wednesday  Nov the 13th Schools from around the area (GI) went to Sylvia park to watch movies or films we had made about somthing we learned or made up ourselves.When we were in the bus we were told that the fire alarm went off so when we arrived we had to wait for a little bit then got out and then we sat on the floor waiting for the teacher to tell us when to line up and go inside.Our school(GTS)wathched films from st patricks and  one of my favorite film was a film made by st patricks when they made stuff to sell like bag chains and then they donated it to a orphanage in india called angels orphanage   .Jasmine sekope and rosalie presented room 3’s film it was called just beleive.I sat all the way in the top row at the back so the veiw was okay  also because The screen was so big and the light was a bit bright .Lots of movies were based on  what classes and schools learned about and also  about sports and olympics.When we finished wathcing some films we all walked outside in a line and saw other schools getting ready to go inside and watch films from other school.Me rosalie and nikayla had to go with team kea in their bus beacause all the seats in the our syndicate is bus was filled .Next we arrived to school and then we had lunch.

Infrencing:Hana koko

Inferencing:- Task 3
What message do you think the Author was wanting you to think about?

You don’t always have to be the way people tell you to be be who yourself and embrace your traditions and beliefs

How do you know this?

The main character was going to be dressed up as Santa clause/Hana koko but it was December and he didn’t come looking how people thought. Instead he came in traditional clothes.

Writing a persuasive writing to mrs diamond

More sports equipment

My opinion/point of view
Dear Mrs Diamond I think we need more sports
Equipment because at times we might need something but it’s not there


1 argument :classes
Sometimes when classes have p.e or fitness outside but there’s not enough sports equipment to use and there are also pals.

When classes go out to do fitness or p.e
They are only able to play with one ball.sometimes one ball might not be enough.

2 argument : playtimes
During play times we tend to get reckless, restless and bored so we look for a netball or basket ball sometimes a soccer ball.

At times during playtimes or break times we would see kids looking into classes to see if there is a ball. Sometimes they would climb up a tree if they saw a ball stuck up a tree.

3 argument : special
If we have more sports equipment we are prepared for any event and are able to have more games or sports on house day(if we have one)

At times when special events pop up we are not yet ready and will sometimes be confused

I really think we need more sports equipment because without sports equipment it won’t even matter if we have a house day or not because we won’t be able to learn or play that many games if we don’t have the equipment for it. Room 3 is very adamant on this thank you.
Sincerely yours